Digital and Economic Literacy

The Economic and Digital Culture module offered by Hexagone aims to develop students and work-study students’ general culture.

Engineers in Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Cyberdefence or Digital Industries must master not only their technical environment, but also their social and economic environments.

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«Without  humanities, technology is nothing:that is our conviction at École Hexagone. »
Sébastien Dhérines

The culture at the heart of our teaching

Whatever their speciality, engineers must have a highly developed critical mind. This is essential if they are to make informed, considered and objective decisions. Critical thinking also enables them to sort out what is true from what is false, and in this age of social networks and fake news, to sort out information and proven data.

Engineers with a critical mind will also be open to debate, accepting that they will sometimes be wrong, and will feed their thinking through exchanges with their peers.

The « Economic and Digital Culture » training module, which runs throughout the Hexagone School curriculum, is based around lectures, conferences, debates and educational visits.


Discover École Hexagone selection of compulsory readings for the 2024-2025 academic year. The level of reading is progressive from year to year.

The first readings for the École Hexagone 1st year student for the IT Bachelor, The aim here is to (re)acquire a taste for reading. These are introductory works that raise awareness of the power of new technologies, through different registers: dystopian, essay, academic.

In the second year of the IT Bachelor, The aim is to open up students' perspectives to new subjects that go beyond the purely digital. Future engineers need to understand the world around them and the behind-the-scenes geopolitical issues facing France.

The readings offered in the final year of the IT Bachelor enable students and work-study students to form an opinion on the different areas of study covered by our Masters in Architecture des Systèmes d'Information, in Artificial Intelligence, in Cyberdefense and in Sustainable digital industries.

The selection of readings for the Master 1 is faithful to the École Hexagone's DNA when it comes to the idea of French or at least Franco-European Digital Sovereignty. Through first-hand accounts and testimonials, students will gain an understanding of the economic and geostrategic issues at stake.

This is the final series of readings for our students and work-study students who are completing their Master curricula. The choice of readings is geared towards the reflections they need to make as they embark on their professional careers. The in-depth subjects covered are major issues for the coming years.

We also call on our partners as part of the "Economic and Digital Culture" module, so that students and work-study students can take part in conferences and debates, as well as educational visits.

Conference by Pierre-Yves HENTZEN, CEO of Stormshield (Airbus group)
Visit from MP Didier BAICHÈRE
Conference with our friends from Scaleway (Iliad group)